A warning for MPs not to take it easy

Letters, Normal

I read that Kerema MP Pitom Bombom was attacked by his own people in Kaintiba, Gulf, when he went to celebrate the independence anniversary with them.
Serves him right.
This should serve as a warning to others who are elected by the people to serve, but roam in Waigani with no sense of public duty.
Why would they attack him if he is attached to them, goes home when parliament is not sitting, sits down with them and listens to their worries and concerns?
Port Moresby’s night clubs, pokies parlours and restaurants are not the place for individuals elected to serve.
Remember, getting elected to parliament is an honour.
You are called upon to serve, to represent your electorate, to work towards bringing change.
Gulf receives a lot of revenue from timber, fisheries and oil (pipeline royalties and equities) annually.
If the leaders have nothing to show for all these riches, they can expect a backlash from their people.
This is also an opportune time to ask where Bombom has spent all his DSIP funds.
The Ombudsman might want to take over from here.

Not impressed
Port Moresby