Abau people have had enough of lip service


I REFER to a letter on May 10 2017 relating to a so-called Abua Rawana Perivo on achieving significant socio-economic development by Puka Temu.
What a load of cheap political propaganda and of all the people, a president (Pererau Enara) of Aroma LLG saw fit to support him.
Everybody in the three LLGs (Aroma, Cloudy Bay & Amazon) of Abau District know very well that there are definitely nil or zero impact projects in the economic sector.
To Puka Temu, don’t disgrace yourself by saying, I quote “the Lord’s has been faithful to me and chosen me” end of quote.
The truth of the matter is the bulk of Aroma LLG voters are committed to either Evele Kala or Dr. Wari Lea Iamo.
In light of above, Abau nauna (children) have had enough of your lip service empty promises and want a change of leadership now!

Concerned Keakalo Nauna