Advocate urges same-sex union


(DWU Journalism Student)
COMING Out Ministries co-founder and senior speaker Michael Carducci has urged Christian communities in Papua New Guinea to embrace the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender) community following the legalisation of same sex marriage in other countries.
Speaking during a peace summit at the Apec House last week, Carducci emphasised on the importance of establishing the principles of Christianity and Christian government while reaching out to the LGBT community.
“Christians should not reject LGBT but rather invite them to experience Jesus Christ in a new way,” he said
Carducci, who had lived in a gay culture for more than 20 years, is a testimony to the love offered by Jesus Christ.
“I lived in the gay culture for over 20 years, I didn’t want anything to do with God and when the Lord started to speak to me, I didn’t want to leave my relationship, my community, but I just couldn’t deny the love that I was experiencing from Jesus Christ, and that’s when I began my journey,” Carducci said.
“The world has been affected by this issue.
“The movement that is coming in has taken advantage of the lack of understanding and opportunities to listen to a group of people who have been marginalised, abused and rejected, not only in the church culture but also in cultural perspective at large.
“Therefore, we must provide love, respect, compassion, and a sense of safety to this group of people who have been rejected and brutalized,” Carducci said.
“I’ve noticed that transgenders, homosexuals and pornography are issues that are coming into PNG via internet, with now everyone having access to smartphones,” he said.
Carducci also challenged people’s way of thinking to reach out to the LGBT community to offer love, respect, and compassion, as well as showing Christian support.
“It’s not about promoting the LGBT issue, but it’s been something that has been embraced and celebrated even among Christian churches,” Carducci said.
“How do we address this issue when it has been promoted politically through Christian churches around the world?
“The church is not equipped with this issue but is already knocking at your doorstep.”
Carducci’s goal for the Coming Out Ministries is to act as a bridge over the Christian church and LGBT community.
“I want to help the Christian church change its thinking, and understanding of the LGBT community,” he said.