AFLPNG opens 2022 calendar with gala day


AUSTRALIAN Football League Papua New Guinea (AFLPNG) opened their 2022 calendar with a gala day for participating schools in Port Moresby for Southern on Saturday.
AFLPNG regional development manager David Topeni told The National that the gala day was to bring students together for refresher sessions ahead of the schools competitions scheduled for next month.
“Basically, we wanted to get all the kids together and revive that feeling for our Niukick programme amongst our participants and their schools before the competition,” he said. “We also wanted to see the interest and numbers from our schools in Port Moresby and it was a really good number from our kids as well as our sponsors from Paradise Foods.
“The gala day has been a regular part of programme and is one of the highlights of our calendar where we take kids through the basic skills of the game. We also run small games for them after the sessions.”
Topeni said the schools competition in Port Moresby was set to kick off on April 2 with only eight schools in the nation’s capital.
“The junior competition is for the Under-13 boys and girls,” he said.
The schools are Kilakila, Kaugere, St Therese, Ted Diro, Taurama, St Peters, Waigani and Gerehu.