Agiru is clearly not looking out for Hela

Letters, Normal

The National, Monday February 17th, 2014

 HELA has sprouted from its seed with a new administrator but has  retained its former governor. 

Corrupt practices are still continuing here.

Paper pushers still queue at the new Hela palamanda (men house) building seeking money for non-existent projects, the public service machinery is still paralysed and appointments are made based on favour 

The  scenario as the one in Southern Highlands has replicated itself when William Powi was the administrator and Anderson   Agiru the governor. 

Appointed departmental heads are on the ground ready to rock and roll in the new province, but William Bando cannot perform his sworn  duty as he is still in his acting capacity. 

On  the  other hand, Agiru is seeking throughout SHP (not Hela) to find a new administrator. 

With the Hela Wigmen rugby franchise given to SHP and the provincial police commander slot filled by a Southern Highlander, now he is pushing for Southern Highlanders for the administrator and treasurer posts. 

I  have  gone  also through the name list  of sponsored university students under the SHP government and see no Hela students  over  the past 15 years. 

The K300-plus million ‘breakthrough’ budget last year resulted in no evidence of projects in Tari. 

Ring roads, the international airport, a four-storey Israeli Hela palamanda and the eight-lane roads are part of Agiru’s psychological campaign policy used to lure votes. 

In  his 15 year-regime, he has never sponsored any student, never developed Tari,  never  owned  assets in his Hulia Dauli home, never endorsed any Hela sons for positions and the list goes on. 

What more evidence do the Hela people need to confirm that he does not represent them?


Palamanda engine room, Via email