Agiru: Polye has demonstrated immaturity

National, Normal

The National – Wednesday, February 2, 2011

SOUTHERN Highlands Governor Anderson Agiru yesterday slammed Don Polye’s outburst against himself and Enga Governor Peter Ipatas as premature and a “regrettable reaction to false statements in the media”
“In reacting prematurely without establishing the facts he has demonstrated his immaturity,” Agiru said.
“It is unfortunate that Polye reacted in a manner that he did on false statements concocted by his cohorts.”
He was reacting to a statement by Polye in The National yesterday slamming Agiru and Ipatas for claiming they were in control of government and not the National Alliance Party.
It was reported in the Post-Courier that Agiru made the statement in Tari over the weekend.
Agiru and people on the ground in Tari denied these reports.
“I have instructed my lawyers, Jerry Kiwai Lawyers to sue Post-Courier for continuous publication of defamatory statements.
“I will also sue your paper (The National),” Agiru said.
“The allegations published are false and the two gentlemen, Timothy Hayara and Morgan Ayango who were interviewed by my lawyers, have denied knowledge of the publication and they may be taking actions on their own.”
Agiru said Polye had reacted on a rumor he did not confirm and according to his investigations was supplied by a National Alliance executive.
He said National Alliance, according to Polye, had more numbers compared to Agiru and Ipatas who had none.
“The National Alliance does indeed have big numbers.
“But last July, when a move for a vote of no-confidence was brought upon the government against Sir Michael Somare, it was the smaller numbers that provided by coalition partners including United Resource Party, People’s Party, Pangu, People’s Action Party and People’s Democratic Movement who all stood resolute with the grand chief,” Agiru said.
“I do not know whether Polye’s big number stood with the grand chief or with Polye, it’s Papua New Guinea’s guess.
“If Polye does not know in those dying moments United Resource Party brought together 17 members of parliament to keep the Somare government intact and MPs to themselves know who was behind it.”