AIDS week a success

National, Normal

The National, Thursday 01st December 2011

PUBLIC awareness and education this week on HIV/AIDS have been hailed a success by Anglicare StopAIDS, the organisers  in Port Moresby.
It is a build-up to World AIDS Day which will be celebrated around the world today.
Anglicare was tasked by the NCD provincial AIDS council to conduct a week-long HIV/AIDS programme in Moresby Northwest. 
The programme started on Monday with a parade of HIV/AIDS awareness teams, performances of forum theatres in markets and public places on Tuesday and an open information booth set up at Anglicare in Waigani yesterday.
The programme continues today with a march starting at 7am from the St John clinic in Gerehu to Kone Tigers Oval in Waigani. It ends with an address by Moresby Northwest MP Sir Mekere Morauta.
The activities aim to tell people worldwide to reduce to zero new HIV infections, HIV-related deaths and HIV stigma and discrimination.
People crowded the information booth asking questions about HIV and the treatment services.
The booth attracted students, youths and adults with free HIV test and counselling at the Anglicare clinic.
The turnout was described by programme coordinator Fr John Madigobuna as “positive”.