Albert calls for people to restore peace


SP Hunters forward Stanton Albert has urged the people of Mendi and Southern Highlands to take responsibility in restoring peace.
The 10-test Papua New Guinea Kumuls forward said despite the province producing good rugby league players and prominent Papua New Guineans, it was the attitude of people back home that needed change.
Albert, his fellow Kumuls Enock Maki and Stargroth Amean, PNG Hunter Bland Abavu and former Kumul Larsen Marabe were part of National Capital District Governor Powes Parkop-led contingent who travelled to Mendi as ambassadors of the inaugural Hope Cup.
“We can talk about peace but it won’t eventuate unless we, as individuals, take responsibility in changing our attitude,” he said.
“To our youths out there, sports can change your lives. You will visit new places and meet new people.
“Not only that, it makes you a better person and a good ambassador of our province. Rugby league can help bring change.” Marabe said: “I used to tell youths in Hela and now Southern Highlands, we are not bad people.
“Let’s leave politics to the politicians and focus on improving our communities through peace.”