Albert sitting exams after losing part of leg two weeks ago

Injured grade 10 student Joyce Albert of Tari Catholic Secondary School doing her social science examination yesterday as the school’s head teacher Sr Jasmine George supervises.

A GRADE 10 student in Tari, Hela, who is a recent amputee, is sitting her national examinations this week, thanks to an education official and her school.
Tari Secondary School student Joyce Albert lost part of her left leg after being attacked by her brother during an argument over a mobile phone two weeks ago.
Albert was able to sit her exams with the help of Hela education adviser Ronnie Angu and school staff.
Angu told The National from Tari yesterday that he provided a vehicle for Albert to be brought to the school for the whole week in order for her to complete her exams.
Angu said Albert was one of 140 grade 10 students from Tari Secondary sitting the exams this week.
“In Hela, there are seven secondary schools with 1,335 grade 10 students,” he said.
“They are now doing the grade 10 exams like other students around the country.”
Angu said all the schools in the province were issued directions to exercise the Coronavirus (Covid-19) protocols during the examination week.
“Students are encouraged to wear identification cards, uniforms, face masks, exercise social distancing and sanitise hands.”
He said principals would be suspended if any school breached the directions from the provincial office.
Angu said they implemented similar approaches last year.