Alcohol ban to be imposed


A BAN on alcohol will be imposed in Hela from the end of this month to the end of the general election, says Governor Philip Undialu.
Undialu told The National yesterday that the province had passed a Provincial Liquor License Act in February, giving the provincial executive council powers to regulate the sale of alcohol in the province.
He said most of the social issues in the province were caused by alcohol consumption.
“The ban will be effective on May 1,” he said.
“This is one of the steps we are taking to ensure that elections in the province go smoothly and (it is) also for the wellbeing of our people.
“All trade stores and wholesales are encouraged to sell out all their stocks by May 1. We will be issuing notices to them this month.”
Hela has been affected by tribal fights and criminal activities, the latest being in the Tari-Pori electorate where a fight between tribal leaders and police resulted in the death of a policeman and injuries to others.