All settlements in the city must go


THIS is a letter to National Capital District Governor Powes Parkop and Prime Minister James Marape and his cabinet.
Before we agree with your plan to “tell every unemployed youth, Grade 10 and Grace 12 drop outs to go to the church to register to be employed’ remove all the settlements in Port Moresby first and develop the settlement into suburbs or something like that.
These settlements are definitely breeding grounds for drug addicts and unemployed youths and those who are not only involved on Jan 10 mayhem but also many other law and order issues in Port Moresby.
The message here is remove all the settlements like 2-Mile, Badili, Kaugere, Gorobe, Talai, Koki, Hohola, Tokarara, Morata 1, Morata 2, Gerehu Stage 1-7, 8-Mile, 9-Mile, 5-Mile, Erima, Fly Over, 6-Mile, 7-Mile all those settlements and those not mentioned remove them.
Mark my word, if these settlements are not removed, you expect many more of black Wednesday anytime soon when the situation triggers.
The opportunists live in the settlements.
Unless settlements are not removed, you expect law and order issues to continue.
A good example is the garden hill settlement. Before it was completely removed we hear mothers, girls, and travelling public being attack and robbed daily by drug addicts and unemployed youths, after the removal of the garden hill settlement we don’t hear any more of those attacks, but these drug addicts and unemployed youths have found shelter in other settlements and continued with their trademark activities.
Therefore, remove all the settlements and let unemployed people go home because we know we all have a land where we come from.
Those who are working and living in settlements, the government must do data collection and consider them.
They are contributing towards the economy of this country so consideration must be given.
Western has set an example of evicting people living in the settlements. Port Moresby is the capital of PNG, yet a small province like Western is setting a good example.
Why can’t Port Moresby do the same? Did we run out of million ideas? We are yet to see a million ideas transformed into Amazing Port Moresby.

Settlement Must GO!!