All the fighting, death isn’t worth it


WHEN election time comes, most Papua New Guineans act like primitives.
We take things into our own hands and are killed like animals while our elected Members of Parliament, whom we are fighting for, go into Parliament to upgrade their lifestyles while we go back to struggling.
They will brain wash us with K50 or a bag of rice for us to
fight/die or vote for them to give them power that they alone will enjoy.
Elections are not worth fighting for.
Remember, you will go back home to work the land while the one you are dying/fighting for
will eat in hotels with his family and have a luxurious life in the city.
Those candidates who bribed you with food or money are not true leaders.
Those are power-hungry leaders just using you for their own benefits.
Please, my country men and women, let’s not be fool in the eyes of other nations.
Let’s stop fighting and killing each other.
God gave us a brain to think and act like human beings, not animals.
My heart breaks to see innocent lives lost and homes and properties destroyed all in the name of power.

Concern Citizen