Always keep God at heart as He is the light


GOD created nature and its creatures.
Humans are the apple of creation.
They are made in the image and likeness of God.
Holy Spirit Parish at Wewak Hill was privileged to have had Fr Michael Watae celebrate the holy mass yesterday (Jan 22).
His homily was very fitting.
He used four points to show how we can relate to God.
He said in the past, our elders connected to God because they saw God in nature.
These days, our young people have made mechanics and technology additional things which are taking them far away from God.
The further they are away from God, the more difficult it gets to getting them to change to have God in their lives.
Jesus Christ, being the light of God, walked on earth starting his ministry at Galilee by calling apostles to follow him. When Jesus Christ started his Galilean ministry nature recognised and rejoiced.
Humans were still caught unaware in the darkness of sin.
The gospel message was made authentic and relevant when the upcoming general election was looked at as a very important event to choose God fearing and Christ centred leadership for the good of people and glory of God.
We are grateful to fearless and God fearing priests like Fr Michael Watae for being the voice of conscience in Sepik.
It was a pleasure to have been part of the congregation at Holy Spirit Parish mass yesterday.
God will bless all the priests and people who follow Him.

James Wanjik, Via email