Angoram seat candidate outlines his thoughts

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AN ENABLING environment needs to be created and measures taken to improve returns for villagers and farmers in agriculture and fisheries, says PNG National Party candidate Lazarus Kenni.
Kenni is contesting the Angoram seat against 27 others.
He laid out his approach to addressing Angoram’s development agenda by highlighting inclusive economic growth as one of three key pillars for the district to prosper.
He also outlined his thoughts about making government systems work.
“Our people need to see and feel the presence of a government systems and services from the Ward level up”, Kenni said.
“We need to make the system work; ward members, ward development committees, LLG managers, LLG presidents, the district administration and the MP while operating in either the political or administrative spheres. All need to work together.”
Kenni’s wants the district administration and politicians to adhere to good governance principles.
“We need to be transparent and accountable,” Kenni said.
“Politicians need reminding that they are occupying public office and are handling public resources, not their own, and therefore must conduct themselves appropriately.”