Ano Pala has failed the Rigo inland people


THIS letter goes to those who are self-served under the umbrella of Ano Pala and forgetting rest of the Rigo people.
You are now moving around all the villages with your same friend’s posters and you will go back and relax in your good house, drink tea with milk and milo while I eat smoked banana from the fire and drink hot water from the bush in Rigo inland.
Tell us if there are people living in Rigo inland who gave you their powers to be as you are?
Why we are not even tasting SALT and a spoon of sugar in Rigo inland?
Why there is a baby and mother dying after the mother delivers in Rigo inland?
What are the people of Rigo inland walking like camels in the desert putting their cargoes on their backs from Boregaina village to Karefarae village and then continue up to Boku?
You are our mandated leader, you represents us in Parliament house and yet you have failed us.
My last question, why you are coming to the grave yard and asking the skeletons to put you back into the Parliament again?

The voices of Rigo
inland people SK