Army to recruit 300 officers


THE PNG Defence Force is looking at recruiting about 300 officers this year, with first batch of 150 to occupy the Goldie Training Depot.
Defence Commander Major General Gilbert Toropo said the first 150 officers would take up six months’ training at Goldie followed by the next 150 recruits.
He said the department needed more than 300 officers but there were space limitations in accommodation.
“There is enough space for 150 in the training college and we cannot get more than that,” he said.
“Funds have been allocated by the government but the recruitment date has not been confirmed yet.”
Toropo said the department had 4000 officers in the army, navy and air force and the government was asking if it could be increased to 10,000.
He said the army can meet the 10,000 recommendation but accommodation was a problem.
The budget is not only looking at recruiting but other cost aspects such as uniforms, accommodation, salaries and cost, significance amount is needed.

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