Authority to start roll-out of programmes


THE Investment Promotion Authority acting managing director Clarence Hoot has announced the roll-out of two IPA-led programmes in the provinces this month.
It includes the IPA provincial outreach programme to begin next Monday, and the database survey and spot inspection exercise to start from October 31 for East Sepik and West Sepik.
Hoot said the provincial outreach two-day programme in each province was themed “promoting a conducive business environment for everyone”.
Teams will be visiting Lorengau on October 24-25, Alotau on October 24-25, Kimbe on October 31-November 1 and Vanimo on November 2-3.
“The aim of the provincial outreach workshop is to provide awareness on the key IPA functions and services and educate the private and public sector on the importance of complying with business regulatory requirements and the impact it has on the growth of business in the country,” he said.
Hoot said among the highlights of the workshops would be the online registry system which came about following the review of the Companies Act and Business Names Act.
He said he had seen a great improvement in the turn-around time for business registration.
The database survey and spot inspection exercise will see IPA work with line agencies including the provincial administrations in the two Sepik provinces.
“The primary purposes of the database survey and spot inspection are to obtain economic data and information from the business community in East and West Sepik and to ensure companies comply with the various legislations administered by IPA as well as other government regulatory agencies.”