Behaviour, habit need to change


Violence against women and girls will end only when people change their attitude and behaviour, National Capital District Governor Powes Parkop says.
Parkop told in a press conference yesterday that the Sanap Wantaim campaign launched in Port Moresby recently, was aimed at making the city safe for women and girls.
“We can only get rid of violence when we change our people’s behaviour, when we change our culture and habit and so we need to come up with positive activities that people can embrace and submit to some alternatives to ending violence,” he said.
“That’s why we have launched this campaign to bring everybody together, churches, non-governmental organisations and everybody having a say and concern, and collective responsibility in working together”, he said.
Parkop said peace was fundamental to the well-being of the city and without it they could not have economic prosperity.
“Violence has been a major impediment to our people for the wellbeing of our people to the quality of life and to the dignity of our people, especially women and girls. We’ve got to end this if our nation has to go forward and become better in this city. We made a commitment already to end violence in Port Moresby – that’s a priority that I have set for NDC”,
“In this city at least, we are making a start, a pledge, a personal commitment to stand up against violence and embrace peace in one part of our country.
“Thats when the changes will come. Maybe we can’t change the country overnight, but we can change one part if our people make this pledge and commitment.”
Parkop said it was the Government’s responsibility to take the lead in issues affecting the people but a collective effort was needed to end violence in the communities, homes and public places.