Bekker says issues raised ‘groundless’


PNG Power Ltd (PPL) managing director Flagon Bekker says issues raised in the media by the PNG Energy Workers Association (PNGEWA) over structural realignments implemented in the company through its refocus initiative are groundless.
Bekker, in a statement, said that he understood why the union was concerned that its members could be disadvantaged by the possible changes that had been flagged in discussions on reforming and refocusing the company.
He said there was regular communication between PNG Power management and PNGEWA through the employee consultative committee.
“Since late last year, employee consultative committee meetings have been held monthly, where PPL matters have been discussed in close consultation with the union,” he said.
“Union concerns have not gone unheeded and are addressed mutually.”
Bekker said management reviewed shift work arrangements and recently approved CPI salary increases for 2019 and 2020 retrospective back pay.
“The current concerns raised by the union were subject of a recent committee discussion, agreeing that a presentation be made to union executives on the refocus initiative,” he said.
“I want the union executives to appreciate the refocus initiative for their members’ benefit.”