Belated World Teachers’ Day


THE following is to all teachers; the very essence you portray.
Teachers, just as in English, you are the author and we are the sentences you manipulate words to create.
You bestow us qualities and give us actions the ability to perform.
You preposition us for the future.
You are the quotations that make our spoken destinies direct.
You cannot imagine how great you are.
In Mathematics we learn calculus. Well forget calculus.
Teachers I still cannot calculate how you are able to conceive the infinite formulas we students are and evaluate us accurately.
Your mode of performance is way, way up there.
You are never mean to us.
As technology, you are always evolving, updating, the latest version.
We students very much feel your enthusiasm in your intricate teaching methods.
In the classrooms during lessons, diffusion takes place.
Teachers, you diffuse to us all the information you have accumulated.
But an equilibrium is never reached, you always still have more to give.
Yet all these moles of substance are never too much of a problem for our young minds, for you are the catalyst for our dissolution of knowledge.
Teachers, your work ethic I can only describe with one word. Powerful! The work you perform over time, with no rest and at constant acceleration is just insane. Just as the river, the geography of our minds is at the mercy of your flow.
That is why from the bottom of hearts, we appreciate you very much. May God’s unfailing blessing be upon all your lives.
Bleated Happy Teachers Day!

Kiisaku Edric Lus
NSOE – Passam student