Believing in God


So much has been said about sorcery-related incidents involving loss of lives and damaging of properties.
I want to say something here: Those people who accuse others of practising sorcery without solid proof are the problem.
I believe that sorcery is for real, just as Satan and his evil spirits are real too.
Those who use sorcery are dealing with demonic powers.
You need to be operating on a higher power to overcome sorcery.
There is God’s power, Satan’s power and man’s power.
The solution is not in man’s or Satan’s power but in God’s power.
Every true child of God will not be affected by sorcery as God is their defense: Psalms 18:30, 23:4, 34:7. Rom 8:31, 1John 4:4.
When you resort to Satan’s and man’s powers, this always results in violence.
If you have faith in God He will protect you, but if you believe strongly in sorcery, it will affect you.
