Beon prison too crowded after Jomba cell closed


THE closure of the Jomba police station cell by health authorities in Madang is leading to overcrowding at Beon prison, an official says.
Beon Correctional Services commander Andrew Polis said the prison was supposed to hold only up to 200. But since the closure of the police station cell, the number has increased to 500.
Health authorities had to close the police station cell after deeming it unfit for human occupation.
Madang police commander Chief Inspector Ben Neneo said the cell had blockages in its facilities forcing the health inspectors from the Madang Urban Local Level Government to order its closure.
Neneo said all detainees had to be sent Beon prison.
Madang Governor Peter Yama has requested for businesses in Madang to assist in funding its renovations but is yet to receive support.
Yama said he had been trying to have the cell problem fixed.
Ward Nine councillor Regina Ropra said the Jomba police station cell was an important facility which was not supposed to be closed for too long. The new cell meant to accommodate only juveniles and women detainees is now occupied by others too.