Beware, money really is the root of all evil


LUST of money and materialism is a problem for many people. Leaders will assist or exploit. Power becomes a weapon.
Without any grounding in faith and moral we are vulnerable.
The truth is money, wealth and power are leaders’ worst enemies.
We will be blind without knowing or understanding what corruption is.
We can look to Pope Francis’ view on corruption and review our situation and reset our bearings with intention to do good to our neighbours.
Here is Pope’s view on corruption: “Corruption is a form of blasphemy which leads to the worship of money and the exploitation of others.
“Corruption is a blasphemous way of living … its the language of Babylon and worldly living.
“Corruption is a form of blasphemy where there is no God, but only the gods of money and wellbeing through the exploitation of others.
“Yet this worldliness which seduces the powerful will be torn down just as we hear the victory cry of the angel announcing the fall of Babylon with its empire of vanity, pride and evil.”

James Wanjik, Via email