Billie to head police field ops

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THE National Executive Council (NEC) has appointed Asst Comm of Police (ACP) eastern end Anton Billie as the new Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) field operations.
Donald Yamasombi will be acting DCP, special operations.
Police Commissioner David Manning told The National that the changes came at a time that the new corporate plan was launched, paving the path for a new structure to be implemented and a new position at the executive level.
“The permanent appointments will be announced, with the appointment of DCP Billie, Joanne Clarkson has been formally appointed as DCP administration, a position she had been acting in,” Comm Manning said.
“DCP special operations joins DCP field operations and DCP administration.
“We have had to re-adjust the executive positions and it will allow us to also make some appointments to capture the appointment of DCP special operations, so, yes, I can confirm that NEC has appointed Clarkson as admin support.
“As for Yamasombi, he will be reassigned to continue the process of creating the special operations.
“We will be advertising shortly for applicants to apply for the position; he has been tasked through the office of the commissioner and will continue.
“The 10-year corporate plan is a signal for accountability at all levels of the command structure of the constabulary.
“The corporate plan recognises the need for the constabulary to strengthen accountability and good governance; the plan reinforces commitment and willingness to adhere to process and procedures.
“This is really what it means to go back to basics.
“We must remain relevant in what we do at all times.
“We need to be mindful of expectations of the communities and stakeholders to whom we are duty-bound to serve.”