Blame run-down facilities on WHP Health Authority

Letters, Normal

The National,Tuesday March 8th, 2016

 ALLOW me to express my concerns on the issues raised in the two daily newspapers last week by the Western Highlands Provincial Health Authority and medical doctors at the Mt Hagen General Hospital.

The medical doctors expressed concern about the poor provision of basic and specialist medical services by the WHPHA management over the years. 

I support the medical doctors about the type of health services provided under the WHPHA. 

The board and the current management are driving the people of WHP crazy by claiming that the province is improving and doing better in health services management and delivery. 

However, from our experiences and observations, the health infrastructure is deteriorating while hospital staff are living in run-down accommodation.

The health facilities do not have water supply, lights, and medical equipment to treat patients and new buildings have not been built.

Therefore, there is no efficiency and no accountability in the provision of health services by the board and management of WHPHA. They are only talking and not walking the talk. 

It seems that money allocated for health projects is being diverted to other purposes that only the WHPHA board and management know about.

As well, the Board and the management of WHPHA have threatened medical staff to shut up or they would be terminated if they opposed the authority. 

A number of medical workers have been terminated for highlighting malpractices by the WHPHA management.

A lot of issues remain hidden and one of them was stated by the medical doctors. 

It is funny to see such things happening under the noses of our political leaders who continue to turn a blind eye to the serious problems affection the delivery of proper healthcare services in Western Highlands Province.

Hagen North Kange, Via email