Bmobile joins plastic ban


BMOBILE is doing its part in supporting the environment with the removal of plastic bags from their retail outlets nationwide.
Bmobile in a statement said it had reusable bags custom-made to fit two devices in them, and featuring on the bags their cheap mobile data plans.
The reusable bags were ordered in preparation for the plastic bag ban. They are available in retail outlets.
Theresa Tino, a retail sales executive at their Vision City retail store said customers welcomed the provision of the new bag. “One customer even requested to purchase the bag itself because they liked the size and design,” she said.
Bmobile national marketing manager Nathaniel Lepani said: “We understand the great challenges being faced from an environmental perspective.
“So we are hopeful that the ban on plastic bags will help support a more environmentally friendly future and we are pleased to do our part in this endeavour.”