Boost in economy: Report


MAPRIK development authority (DDA) acquittals for 2015 shows that investments were made to infrastructural projects to boost the economy, says chief executive officer Joshua Himina.
Himina said of the K10 million in funding received from the Government that year, K5 million was used to build the Kwinbu cattle farm and a piggery with over 600 small to medium enterprises (SMEs) registered. He said K1 million was used to maintain the Balanga road in the Bumbitha Muhian local level government as well as build bridges to improve accessibility.
Himina added that a major expenditure for the DDA was the reestablishment of Maprik Hayfield Airport.
“We have spoken to National Airport Corporation (NAC) for our vanilla and cocoa growers to have access to market to fly their products out of Maprik,” he said.
Maprik has become the fastest growing business centre in the province with a high demand for local agricultural products.
The education sector received K1.9 million which went to building classrooms for an elementary school, fixing the road to Maprik Secondary School and building a classroom and establishing two new high schools and maintenance projects at a primary school.
The other areas that received funding from the DDA were law and order (K500,000), project mobilisation (K400,000), electoral office (K300,000), general administration (K300,000) and the Independence Day celebrations (K10,000).
Himinia said the acquittals for 2016, 2017 and 2018 would be presented next month.
He said 2019 report would be presented in the New Year.
He said the Maprik DDA was delayed in providing their acquittals for 2015 because of a lack of capacity and proper knowledge on compliance.
The instalment of an integrated finance system by the Finance Department in the district would enable the DDA to fast track their acquittals process.