Booze, party lead to argument, fight, murder


A MAN pleaded guilty to murdering another in an argument over beer at a birthday party in Port Moresby two years ago.
He is to be sentenced on September 19 after a probation officer has spoken to him.
James Tau plead guilty before Justice Panuel Mogish in the Waigani National Court yesterday to murdering Moses Pero at 8-Mile on Aug 6, 2016.
Tau, a resident of 8-Mile settlement in the North–East electorate, was at a birthday party where Pero was drinking beer with his friends inside the resident area.
Tau was also drinking beer with his friends but they were outside the premises.
After the party when other guests had left, Pero and his friends were still drinking but soon realised that they had run out of beer. He to a store and bought more beer and shared it with his friends.
Tau came asking for beer but Pero said he shared everything and there was none left.
He got into an argument with Pero and they fought.
Tau took out a pocket knife and stabbed Pero on the neck then flee the scene only to be hit by a car when he was crossing the road.
Both men were rushed to hospital but Pero died from blood loss from the knife wound.
Tau was admitted for some days but fled police in the hospital.
He was later arrested and charged.