Boundaries commission to conduct surveys


INTER-Government Relations Minister Pila Niningi says the Boundaries Commission will conduct surveys in the Highlands and Central to demarcate land between provinces.
Niningi was responding to Central Governor Robert Agarobe on land demarcations between Central and the National Capital District (NCD) in Parliament yesterday.
He said the demarcation exercise had already started in the Highlands and would follow in Central.
He said there were areas which overlapped and the survey was to determine the boundaries involving the surveyor-general, valuer-general and the director of the Mapping bureau. “I have requested the boundaries commission to go to Western Highlands, Southern Highlands and also to Enga,” Niningi said.
“A group has already established the boundaries for Jiwaka and Western Highlands.
“We will do the same for Central and the National Capital District to establish where the boundaries are.
“We can know where the NCD boundary is and where the Central boundary is.
“They must not overlap because there is a system that we must follow.”
Niningi said those who had land titles had a right to the land which was a different matter.