

School raises funds
Lae’s Bumayong Lutheran Secondary School chaplain Pastor Philip Karea says the school is raising funds to extend the school chapel. They want to raise more than K100,000 to extend the chapel, build an ablution block and a tank.

Tewai-Siassi MP to help Tom
Tewai-Siassi MP Dr Kobby Bomareo will assist Wabag MP Dr Lino Tom in building a classroom for Waipu Elementary School in Wabag. “I have always valued the access to quality education and it would be an honour to help Tom give hope to the children,” Bomareo said.

Kuli opens redeveloped road
The redeveloped road from Panga to Tapuk and a new bridge at Konda in Jiwaka’s Anglimp South-Waghi was opened by MP Joe Kuli last week. “While politicians are busy doing their campaigns, I will continue to deliver these services I started in 2017,” he said.