BSP prioritises staff development and capabilities


WITH a focus on improving staff development and capabilities, the Bank South Pacific (BSP) Financial Group Ltd remains committed to investing in its greatest asset – its human resources.
During the Institute of Banking and Business Management (IBBM) graduation in Port Moresby this month, BSP offshore branches liaison manager Stanerd Wai was awarded the IBBM prestigious “chairman’s medal” for the highest aggregate marks (GPA-grade point average) for the Masters in Business Administration (MBA) studies at Torrens University Australia.
“Our academic achievements today represent the products of our employers’ investments in us and that’s just one side of the coin,” Wai said.
“The other side is us applying knowledge that we acquired to contribute to the ongoing success of our organisations.
“This includes us playing pivotal roles in developing business leaders of tomorrow as a business continuity plan for our organisations in the highly competitive markets.”
He thanked BSP for this achievement and said the award was a significant milestone for his career and family.
“The culmination of hard work and dedication, through juggling work and study, has paid off well,” he said. “As the labour market becomes more competitive than ever before, it is incumbent on us to continue investing in our knowledge and to up-skill ourselves if we are going to remain competitive and encourage others in our area of influence to follow our footsteps.”
The three staff members who received their diploma in banking and finance were Shervy Pais, Hilda Gaharepo and Wendy Punde.