Bugandi Secondary needs improvement


A NEWS article in The National on Dec 12 showed schools nationwide which were named for their outstanding grade 10 and 12 results this year.
Well done to the teachers and principals.
Two secondary schools in Lae – Lae and Busu – did exceptionally well and were rated among the top 20 in the country.
Bugandi Secondary will not receive any awards simply because teachers and the school management are not improving the poor performance in school.
Students are not learning to the full expectation of teachers.
Teachers or principals with poor performance should be replaced with new graduates or vibrant ones to activate student learning.
All through the years, the public has observe Bugandi students walking back home at midday because there are “no teachers”.
There are many bright students at Bugandi who will not excel if poor performance of teachers continues in the next academic year.
Some factors below are needed to improve student learning:

  • Classrooms need better maintenance;
  • teachers/school management need improvement;
  • school fencing with better surrounding environment; and
  • Better school facilities (labs/library/toilets etc).

Concerned parent