By-election writs deferred

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THE issue of writs for by-elections scheduled for today has been postponed to Aug 3, says Electoral Commissioner Simon Sinai.
Sinai said that the writs for the North Bougainville and Wewak by-elections will be issued next Thursday. “For Lagaip, the by-election will most likely be extended for another month or two, depending on the situation on the ground,” he said.
The by-election writs which were supposed to be issued today was postponed partly due to the arrival of US Defence Secretary Lloyd James Austin yesterday.
He will be meeting with Prime Minister Marape, Minister for Defence Win Bakri Daki, Secretary for Defence Hari John Akipe, and Chief of Defence Force Major General Mark Goina.
The arrival in country today by France President Emmanuel Macron also impacted the issuing of the writs.
President Macron will have a bi-lateral meeting with Marape. Sinai said writs for the by-elections for North Bougainville and Wewak would therefore be issued next Thursday, while the Lagaip Open by-election was postponed due to the tribal fighting in Enga.