Call for govt to talk with experts over proposed law change


THE Papua New Guinea Chamber of Mines and Petroleum has again called on the Government to invite resource industry expertise to consult on proposed changes to mining and petroleum laws.
This followed both Mining Minister Johnson Tuke and Petroleum and Energy Minister Kerenga Kua cancelling their participation in a virtual seminar hosted on Monday by the chamber.
The ministers were both invited to speak as part of the online seminar, a forum created by the chamber to encourage discussion and information sharing around proposed government reforms to resource sector legislation, which would see PNG move to a production sharing regime.
The chamber, in a statement, said it was ready to consult with both ministers who were currently engaged with Parliament.
The seminar brought together leaders from across the industry, as well as other impacted stakeholders, to discuss ongoing concerns around the proposed changes and the suitability of production sharing for the mining sector in particular.
Invited in Kua’s place, was former Public Enterprise minister Arthur Somare, who has extensive knowledge and experience with the PNG LNG project.
Somare highlighted how crucial it was for the Government to ensure wide enough consultation to cover all stakeholders in the industry, and most importantly, resource landowners.
“Current legislation necessitates that a development forum is called for,” he said.
“Where the state, together with the corporate, will hear the views of the landowners.
“That is necessary for the project and government to secure. It’s a social licence that does not belong to the state. It belongs to traditional customary landowners of PNG.
“This process is critical.”


  • The current cadre of resource industry “experts” we have are employees of multinationals who serve the interest of their employer and its shareholders and not the resource owners or this rich nation. They are therefore biased in their position before they can utter any truth. History suffice to prove their track of convoluted truth.

  • Chamber of mines needs to come clear, am sure govt has had lengthy consultation with industry over the last 3 years. Industry is well aware these changes were on the cards in the last govt. This govt is only implementing what the last govt was too weak to roll out.
    Industry needs to adjust and roll on or kindly piss off!!

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