Call for leaders to use funds on equipment to fix roads

Main Stories

LUFA MP Moriape Kavori has called on parliamentarians to use their district funds to purchase road maintenance equipment to fix the roads instead of waiting on the Government.
Kavori told Parliament on Friday that he saved a lot of costs by doing that.
“We should allow the Government to focus only on the national highways and urban areas in the country,” he said.
“We can buy bulldozers, fuel, manpower and other equipment to maintain and construct at least some kilometres of roads every year from our funding from the Government.”
Kavori said he had been purchasing road construction equipment and had been slowly constructing roads in his electorate.
“I recently bought a grader for K670,000 and I realised that I have been able to accomplish a lot instead of paying for a construction company that charges K15,000 to K20,000 for their equipment,” he said.
He suggested that MPs, especially in remote areas, should consider using his method.
He said a common challenge in road construction was when people raised claims about their properties being destroyed.
Kavori suggested the parliamentary committee should appoint a permanent parliamentary prayer committee that would be responsible for praying for Parliament and MPs.
Meanwhile, Lands and Physical Planning Minister and Lae MP John Rosso called on the Works and Implementation Minister Michael Nali to look at sealing and completing unfinished roads in Lae.
“Most of our taxpayers live in the city so if we provide them with better roads, they will be happy to continue paying taxes,” Rosso said.

One thought on “Call for leaders to use funds on equipment to fix roads

  • Thank you Hon. Moriape Kavori, that is a brilliant idea. We mustn’t sit and expect everything from the national government we as a elected member of our own people must do something for own people at our own electorate cost.

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