Call for Raminai


THE people of Sugu valley in Kagua-Erave of Southern Highlands are looking for their mandated MP Wesley Raminai.
He has heard of blood shed among clans and tribesman and woman, children, domestic animals, including food gardens and buildings worth of thousands destroyed turned deaf ears on them.
The people of Sugu Valley consists of more than 40,000 including the whole Kagua-Erave electorate needs an agent responds.
Your presence is needed.
Another person that has heart for his people left Morobe and headed straight to the fighting zone without the presence of security personal was Maita Yawi of Kagua.
The blame goes back to the people as we elect members through Melanesian way and NOT through their integrity.
Now the ball is in your court Raminai.
Come 2022, the ball will be in our court again.

Mark Talipa