Call to follow changes during Apec Leaders’ Week


JOINT Security Task Force (JSTF) awareness team leader Tumbe Sam says markets, shops and hospitals would remain open and flights in and out of the provinces would continue with slight changes to ways of accessing those services during the Apec Leaders’ Week.
“It will be just in a short period of eight days (up to Nov 19) and people have to follow as set and required of them to avoid hassles,” Sam said.
“The JSTF will be out in full force not to harm anyone but to protect and keep the city safe and secured for the people of PNG, as well the visitors.
“Our operation is all about making sure set regulations and conditions set to be followed for the convenience of the big event, as well for the good image of our country.”
The JSTF will begin their operations on Thursday and will be out in all the designated spots and locations to ensure all requirements are followed, Sam said.
It is made up of police officers, Correctional Services and the Defence Force officers — both local and international.
“If you act weird and inappropriate in certain aspects of your public conduct that is when you are asking for trouble from the joint forces,” Sam said.
“Other world leaders are coming with their own security officers too and they are of world standard and would expect appropriate and not suspicious behaviour.
“It is all about formalities and markets to be done in permitted locations, using the permitted routes and that is what the JSTF will be involved in.”