We can blame the EC for failing us


MAY I draw your attention my good countrymen and women and the stakeholders.
In support of what Jacob Kavi’e of West Taraka, Lae, has stated regarding the subject in this column dated July 6, 2017, I would agree whole heartedly and lament that it is indeed a failed event.
It is a failed event because it is not the vagrants and rural population alone who are been denied their constitutional and democratic rights to vote their leaders of choice but most public servants did not cast their votes simply because their names were not the updated common roll and I am no exception.
I am a public servant for 25 years and for that numbers of years I lived in Port Moresby North East electorate.
I voted in 1997, 2002, 2007 and 2012 but this year I had no name on the electoral roll.
I went to three different polling locations within my community with my family and after the first , second and third I did not see my name or that of my spouse and children who are in the voting age.
We were well aware of impotence of choosing leaders to represent us however we can blame the Electoral Commissioner for failing us at a micro level as well as macro level.
To you my good Commissioner you have to humbly accept the blame.

Fonimiga Gambau Melavo