Candidates must be honest in elections


CANDIDATES who stand for national elections must be honest to themselves during campaign, to respect and protect their integrity as leaders instead of resorting to illegal ways to lure voters.
At the end of the day justice will take its course and you will face the consequences of your own corrupt deals.
The recent court decision that ruled the election win of Henry Jons Amuli for the SOHE open electorate null and void is one classic example.
The people of Sohe will have to face the consequences of the bad decision made by the now former member and moreover it is a waste of taxpayers’ money to run a by-election which is a costly exercise.
Many good leaders who stand for election don’t get the chances to win because others who play corrupt games become very popular during campaign periods leading up to the election.
Congratulations to Team Delilah Gore who challenged the win.
The court decision is victory for you all who played an honest game.
Let’s do it right this time when we go into the by-election.

John Sinene
Grass root analyst