Capital rolls out election awareness

Main Stories

By Muhuyupe Soranzi
Electoral Commission officials will be conducting awareness on Limited Preferential Voting (LPV) for the public in the lead-up to polling later this month.
National Capital District election manager Terence Hetinu officially launched the awareness at the Waigani Market in Port Moresby on Friday.
“We will be conducting awareness until June 26 to educate the people on how to vote using the LPV system,” Hetinu said.
“We will send our officials to each electorate in NCD to teach the people what to do on polling day. The awareness will be conducted at places like schools, markets and other public areas.”
Hetinu said the awareness was organised to educate voters on some changes the Electoral Commission had made for the election.
“Girls, women and people living with disabilities will have separate lines to cast their votes from men,” he said.
“This is to prevent harassment.”
People living with disabilities will have their polling booths at the Cheshire Home in Hohola.
Assistant returning officer for Moresby North-East Sepoe Gabutu said the blue ballot paper was for the voters’ regional candidate and the yellow ballot paper was for the open electorate candidate.