Case discharged from court

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PAPUA New Guinea Teachers Association (PNGTA) president Aita Sanangkepe was given a discharge not amounting to an acquittal by a committal court in Waigani yesterday.
Sanangkepe, 66, from Hagen Central’s Pame village in Western Highlands was charged with one count of misappropriating K214,275.03 belonging to the association on Oct 17, 2021.
Magistrate Albert Daniels said police failed to provide reasonable explanation for delaying the police report.
Magistrate Daniels said police could re-arrest Sanangkepe when they were ready with the report.
“An order was made on Feb 23 that allowed police a month to further complete their report on the case which was not complied,” he said.
Police prosecutor Christian Iga said the file was still incomplete and that the delay was also on part due to Sanangkepe who did not respond to police request to record an interview.
However, Magistrate Daniels said that was not a good enough explanation.
It was further noted that the police informant was present in court yesterday with the incomplete file but not ready to present to the court.
“A record of interview is not necessary and I could accept the report without it (record of interview) but you (police) are not ready with copies for the court, including Sanangkepe,” Magistrate Daniels said.
Police alleged Sanangkepe bought a 10-seater Toyota LandCruiser with the association’s money and registered it under his name with the Motor Vehicles Insurances Ltd.
It was noted, however, that the vehicle would still remain under police custody as it was being used as part of the investigations against Sanangkepe.
His K2,000 bail would be refunded.