Casino could be costly for us


THE Editorial in The National yesterday “Gambling can ruin lives”, is very clear on that type of entertainment industry and its consequences. On one side are those who make the money, the owners of the casinos and the State through revenue; on the other, are those who lose a fortune at times. The concept of “fortune” varies according to the size of each one’s wealth. K1 million is nothing for a billionaire. K10,000 is big money for common citizens.Betting and possibly losing such an amount translates into household bankruptcy: no food, no electricity, no payment of bills, no school fees for children; but poverty, resentment, quarrelling and family breakdown. It is uncertain that, with a casino at Paga Hill, Papua New Guinea will make more money. It will probably create more social hazards costly for the State and for society. It also breaks our heart to see what is being spent to provide entertainment for the elite and the privileged from outside and inside the country. Our young people in the settlements and villages, instead, play rugby on improvised muddy fields full of plastic and rubbish. And no other facilities for healthy entrainment and leisure are built to keep them out of the streets sand provide them opportunities for socialisation so necessary and meaningful at their age.

Fr Giorgio Licini,
Catholic Bishops Conference,
Port Moresby