Cathedral needs repairs

The St Peter and St Paul Anglican cathedral in Dogura, Milne Bay, recently. The cathedral is in dire need of repairs. – Nationalpic by CHARLES MOI

THE St Peter and St Paul cathedral, built in 1934 and consecrated in 1939 under the Anglican church in Dogura, Milne Bay, is badly in need of repairs, says businessman and former Alotau MP Isaac Taitibe.
The iconic building has lost half its ceiling, has a broken staircase, walls are termite-infested and the roof is leaking.
Taitibe, a believer in the Anglican faith, is trying to raise money for restoration work.
“Dogura is the Jerusalem of the Anglican church in Papua New Guinea,” he said.
“But as it is right now, it is so sad to see this iconic monument crumbling against weather and time. Nobody seems to be taking a step to renovate the building.
“So I have come out to put my hand up for this worthy cause.”
Taitibe said the first step was to raise enough funds to engage technical expertise who would determine the extent of repair work needed and the budget.
“We are organising a walkathon from Dogura to Port Moresby via the eastern Central coast where we plan to raise enough funds for the initial work.”
The cathedral was built before World War II and crafted by native hands.