Census involves everyone: Ronga

National, Normal

CENSUS director Kit Ronga says the conduct of a population census is a national event that must involve cross-sectoral participation at all levels of communities to be successful.
Mr Ronga said the committees involved in the census cover user advisory, logistics, security, publicity and finance, and they report to the Inter Departmental Census Committee, the central governing body of the census.
“All the committees are part and parcel of the census and play a significant role in providing support to the census management.
“The user advisory committee meets regularly to focus on the census.
“It determines the questions that are appropriate to meet the basic data requirement of the Government.
“Logistics committee focuses on how the census management can plan and move massive census forms and personnel to the field during the census count and the return of these forms to the headquarters in Waigani.
“The security committee is chaired by police and ensures the safe movement of census materials and personnel on the field,” he said.
Likewise, Mr Ronga said the roles of the publicity committee  and the finance committee were critical.