Central MPs must unite


WE have been suffering for ages.
One day in every five years, we paint our fingers to mandate leaders hoping for services but none of them has been faithfully serving us since 1975.
Although Rigo is located close to Port Moresby city apart from other districts of Central, in terms of government services Rigo is one of the last districts.
All its three sub districts – Rigo Inland, Rigo Central and Rigo Coast – don’t have proper rehabilitation plans.
There are no higher institutions, proper health centre and upgrading or sealing of feeder roads.
People have mandated Sir Ano Pala again to see at least some changes in Rigo.
Enough of taking side steps; stand up, speak and fight for your people and bring what is needed in your district. This goes for other Central MPs as well.
The right time has come for Central people, the owners of land Port Moresby is sitting on, the owners of water supply in the city and source of electricity supply into the city.
All five mandated leaders of Central must hold hands together with your colleague female Governor Rufina Peter and stand up for your people’s rights in Parliament.
Talk and take back some of the things that our people have been deprived of by past governments since the nation’s capital came into.
Think big as leaders, speak up loudly as mandated leaders, and plan big for a better Central and stop thinking of your own family’s future.
Now the people of all five electorates are looking up to you and they will watch to see how you all hold hands together and move Central forward.

Peter Kenneth Sakale
Boregaina village, Rigo