Change to make public solicitor independent


A LEGISLATION to amend the Attorney General Act of 1989 to make the Public Solicitor independent has been introduced.
Justice Minister Bryan Kramer presented the Attorney General Amendment Bill 2021 in Parliament yesterday.
He said the proposed amendments to the Attorney General Act would complement the Public Solicitor Bill 2021, which was passed in Parliament on Tuesday.
He said the amendments would strengthen the independence of the public solicitor envisioned by Section 176, Subsection 5 of the Constitution.
“In essence, the amendments ensure that the public solicitor in the performance of his functions is not subject to any direction and control by any person or authority other than the National or Supreme Court,” Kramer said.
“The Office of the Public Solicitor was established to promote and protect the rights of the ordinary Papua New Guineans – even if the protection extends to suing the State and instrumentalities of the State.
“This is an office that belongs to our people and we owe it to our people to ensure that no one person or authority should give direction to the Public Solicitor.”
Kramer said the amendments to the Attorney General Act 1989 were the repealing of Section 7 (f) and section 14 giving effect to the independence of the public solicitor.