CHEC doing world class job on major NCD road projects

Letters, Normal

The National,Thursday March 17th, 2016

 THE awarding of various contracts to China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) is based on merits and according to previous experience and execution of similar project in more than 80 countries around the world. 

The sovereign state of Papua New Guinea is well aware of CHEC’s performance and is making the decision of awarding contracts to this international company to execute various projects around the country despite trivial allegations and concerns raised by few individuals and self-centered politicians. 

The general performance by CHEC in executing these projects is very professional and according to international standards and best practice. 

The outburst by Opposition Leader Don Polye unbecoming of a national leader. 

NCDC Governor Powes Parkop recommendation for Polye to accompany him for a site visit of the 9 Mile to Gerehu road project will help the Opposition Leader to understand the quality control measures put in place and the general management and execution by CHEC. 

International companies like CHEC must be commended and supported instead of having their names and reputations tarnished in the media. 

If there are things that need to be improved to achieve best result, this can also be discussed and resolved in a more professional and diplomatic manner. 

Most of the development contracts administered by the Central Supply and Tender Board through the current chairmanship of Philip Eludeme must be highly commended. 

It can be concluded that the CSTB and the O’Neill Government have been doing a tremendous job in outsourcing these important development projects to CHEC and other reputable international contractors. 

Polye’s concerns can be taken on board for improvement purposes but the decision to terminate CHEC from development contracts in PNG is unnecessary at this stage considering its performance and dedication to nation-building.  


Pantano, Via email