Children should be protected, not preyed upon


THE special trust between a father and daughter is shattered, the sacred bond between them is severed forever.
And in the words of Chief Justice Sir Gibbs Salika during sentencing yesterday, “a very special relationship and bond orchestrated by God himself and nature, unparalleled and unmatched” was destroyed.
We would have loved to name this sorry excuse of a human being who had been preying on his daughter for about two years, if it will expose and publicly shame him because he deserves nothing less.
But for the sake of this little girl who has suffered enough already at the hands of the man who should be protecting her, we will refrain.
She needs our protection and support to help her get past this sad chapter in her young life.
She had asked the court in her impact statement “to consider the physical, mental and emotional abuse” she had been through when sentencing her father.
Her entire statement to the court captures a young girl’s sense of loss and despair when the man she should be looking up to for protection and love turns around to abuse and humiliate her, robbing her of a childhood she deserves to be enjoyed with her peers.
She admits even contemplating suicide at times when she could no longer bear the pain and humiliation.
She also thought of running away from home.
It is sad that this sort of unthinkable behaviour is happening in our country where traditional and family values are inculcated early in our upbringing, strengthened further by the Christian values introduced to our land by the missionaries.
According to a poll we conducted this week regarding a magistrate’s concern over the increase in cases of abuse of minors, people suggested public caning, castration, life sentences and even the death penalty as appropriate punishment to those found guilty.
It reflects how people strongly detest and deplore these vile acts happening in our society.
They are not condoned at all.
Last week, we had stressed
why parents should be doing more to protect their children from being exposed to the paedophiles and sick individuals prowling around looking for young victims.
We should have added that parents too should be the last to even think about it because of their position of trust.
Justice Sir Gibbs summed it up nicely when he told the man: “You did not stop to think for once that this was your blood, your very own daughter.
“These are all acts which can only be described as animalistic behaviour because only animals have sex with their children or parents.
“I ask myself, what kind of father are you?
“This is not how normal fathers behave. Your actions fall way short of being called a father.”
We totally agree.
We wish the 30-year jail term could have been longer if only to keep this man away from society for a much longer time.
If also possible, lock them up and throw away the key.
We also agree with the judge’s warning that the sentence must serve as warning to like-minded individuals and deter others from committing similar offences and denounce what is becoming a prevalent offence in this country.
Sadly there may be others among us who are doing the same thing or are planning to.
Such sick minds, if they can do such things to their own flesh and blood, would be a danger to every young girl in the community.
No one wants that.