Chimbu governor gives K1mil to support women

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CHIMBU Governor Michael Dua has allocated K1 million to support women in the province venturiong into small businesses.
Dua told The National yesterday that women built a family, society and country and it was important to empower them to venture into small businesses to support themselves, their families and their communities.
“I am allocating K1 million this year to support women venture into SMEs. We have women leaders in each district managed by a female provincial women’s coordinator, Maria Kuria.
“And we have also included the provincial women’s coordinator as a member of our provincial assembly to speak on behalf of our mothers and sisters and daughters in the province.”
He said many women had the courage and determination to venture into small businesses such as sewing, cooking, farming, poultry farming and running a trade store.
Kuria thanked Dua for empowering women and stressed the need for district development authorities to support women too.
“We are currently doing awareness and establishing women’s group and leaders in each of the districts to create the framework and the structure to support our mothers in the province,” she said.