Chimbu polling peaceful

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PNG National Party leader Kerenga Kua and his wife Mai voted at Mogl village, Yongumugl, in Chimbu, last week.
Polling in Chimbu has been described as peaceful, except for isolated cases of fighting between rival supporters.
In the district of Karamui, election manager Reverend Tom Sine said running the election there had not been easy because some places had been difficult to get to.
He said teams conducting polling in stations reachable only by air were taken to Karamui by helicopter then flown to Kundiawa by fixed-wing aircraft.
Kua is the MP for Sinasina-Yongumugl, a seat he took from former Speaker, the late Jeffery Nape, in the 2012 elections.
The votes in the area will be counted at Dixions Oval in Kundiawa.